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Supernova PC Repair

Affordable, trustworthy computer repair in lancaster & north lancashire

Best Rated

Best Computer repair in Lancaster


  • Laptop Repair
  • PC Repair
  • Computer Service (Tune Up)
  • Mac Repairs
  • Laptop Screen Replacement
  • Malware / Virus Removal
  • Data Recovery from Hard Drives SSD'S Or USB Flash Drives
  • Custom PC Building including High End Gaming Systems
  • Hardware & Software Issues
  • Printer Issues
  • Advice & Tutoring
  • Internet & Broadband Issues
  • Windows Troubleshooting (All Versions)
  • On Or Off Site Repairs (Dependant On The Issue)
  • PC Installation

Coverage Area:

Lancaster, Morecambe, Heysham, Halton, Middleton, Overton, Cockerham, Carnforth, Warton, Silverdale, Bolton le Sands, Hornby, Caton, Wray, Wennington, Dolphinholme, Forton, Glasson Dock, Hest Bank. 

If your area is not listed either call or email and we will check if we are able to cover your area. Lancaster, Morecambe & Heysham are the free callout area, If you live outside that area we may charge a small fee to cover fuel expenses, this will be agreed before accepting the job.

The Rise of The Solid State Drive

         Many people ask me questions regarding the relatively new technology in the data storage market Solid State Drives (SSD) and whether they should now avoid the now long in the tooth standard Magnetic Hard Disk Drive (HDD)?..., The answer I give is that I think there is still some life in the old dog yet!, and that will continue to be the case until the cost per GB of storage with the SSD bridges the gap to the cost per GB of storage on traditional HDD'S and although the gap is closing consistently I still predict we are  perhaps a year or two from reaching a point where it is cost effectiive to have a SSD as your sole method of storage. The HDD cost per GB is around 8 times cheaper than its SSD counterpart, However, the benefit of the SSD is that it is currently one of the most effective methods of speeding up your PC and therefore I believe that utilising the benefits of both drives will be a great way to optimise your Computer. I recently fixed a users PC that had a painfully slow boot up time and waiting for the operating system to load seemed to take an age to boot from the HDD, I advised that the best course of action to both speed up her system and keep all the families important data was to use a SSD as a boot drive to store both Windows and all the most used programs on whilst keeping the higher capacity HDD to store all the user's Documents and Media, the result was dramatic!, the PC now booted up in under 30 seconds and was much more responsive.

           In conclusion,  yes the SSD is still way more expensive than its Magnetic HDD counterpart but the benefit to your home system can be hard to match and with you being able to pick up a 128GB SSD online for around £80-90 today (which is more than enough to store your Operating System as well as all your most used programmes) then it can be a great way to breath new life into a machine which has lost a little of its snap whilst still utilising the superior storage space of the traditional HDD.

                                                        By Jamie Mulvey